
魔石堡入口(Entrance to Stonekeep)

魔石堡第一層(Ruins of Stonekeep 1st level)

魔石堡第二層(Ruins of Stonekeep 2nd level)

魔石堡下水道(Sewers beneath Stonekeep)

礦坑第一層(Sharga mines, 1st level)

礦坑第二層(Sharga mines, 2nd level)

祭壇入口(Entrance to the Temple)

祭壇(Temple of Throggi)

牧地第一層(Feeding grounds, 1st level)

牧地第二層(Feeding grounds, 2nd level)

矮人城堡(Dwarven Fortress)

妖精王國(Faerie Realm)

冰穴(Ice Caverns)

古代之門(Gate of the Ancients)

地窖(The Pits)

暗影宮殿(Palace of Shadows)

暗影之塔第一層(1st level Khull Khuum's Tower)

黑暗矮人巢穴(Lair of the Dark Dwarves)

暗影之塔第二層(2nd level Khull Khuum's Tower)

暗影之塔第三層(3rd level Khull Khuum's Tower)

暗影之塔第四層(4th level Khull Khuum's Tower)